Three Wishes 三愿 (San Yuan) English Lyrics Translation - Married Thrice to Salted Fish (MTSF) Audio Drama, Season 2 Theme Song

IT'S HERE. AND...I'm crying...actually crying lol (ever since I tried to translate it). The previous song was beautiful and carried the jolliness of our salted fish...but this song is dripping with the sorrow of our Qingyu. Read the lyrics and you'll see :'(

I can't be more grateful that Bian Jiang studios picked up this masterpiece of a novel and made this master masterpiece of an audio drama (with only the best of CVs), and chose the right people to make the masterful master masterpieces of audio drama theme songs...might as well change the title of this series to Married Thrice to Salted G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) now?!?!

In any case, sorry for rambling - I'll waste no time and drop the Chinese/Pinyin/English lyrics under the cut!

The original song may be listened to for free on the producer site, Miss Evan. This blogspot account holds no affiliations with Miss Evan or the producers.

Original Chinese lyrics by 龙小套, English lyrics translation by Mantou@SteamedBunTranslations.
[Disclaimer: I (Mantou) do not own the song, and only own the English translations of the song lyrics in bold font in the following texts.]
Full copyright attributions and extra translation notes at the bottom of the post!

《三愿》 Three Wishes

Original vocals by 大C, lyrics by 龙小套, composition by 莲琊


wèn sheí yǔ tóng xíng

Who is willing to walk with me

长风千里灵犀 风雨同舟济

cháng fēng qiān lǐ líng xī   fēng yǔ tóng zhōu jì

Traversing thousands of miles in this long-lived breeze, sharing our spiritual energies, sharing weal and woe?

从来冷眼看 尘世里

cóng lái lěng yǎn kàn   chén shì lǐ

Always gazing at the world with cold eyes

世人庸碌奔忙 千百种执迷

shì rén yōng lù bēn máng   qiān bǎi zhǒng zhí mí

Mortals of this world busy themselves by being obsessed over thousands of things


ruò chēng wéi zhī jǐ

Since he sees me as his confidant

知情知意知我 偏凉薄冷情

zhī qíng zhī yì zhī wǒ   piān liáng báo lěng qíng

He sees through my feelings and thoughts, seeing through me; he knows I tend to be cold and indifferent

从来不信命 任因果报应

cóng lái bù xìn mìng   rèn yīn guǒ bào yīng

Never believing in fate, letting karma take its course

却因他动容 悄然改写命局

què yīn tā dòng róng   qiǎo rán gǎi xiě mìng jú

But he moved me, quietly rewriting my story and changing my fate

如何云淡风轻 日月朝夕

rú hé yún dàn fēng qīng   rì yuè zhāo xī

How are the clouds and winds so gentle and light, all day and night?


hóng xiàn àn qiān xì

The red thread of fate secretly ties itself to both of us

举杯相约重逢 莫再违期

jǔ bēi xiāng yuē zhòng féng   mò zài wéi qī

We raise a toast; you promise to meet me again, and I ask you not to be back late

愿与君如梁上燕 岁岁年 长相见

yuàn yǔ jūn rú liáng shàng yàn   suì suì nián   cháng xiāng jiàn

I wish us never-ending communion like two swallows in a nest, seeing each other and growing old together year after year

隔世霜雪落 寄我意 送君前

gé shì shuāng xuě luò   jì wǒ yì   sòng jūn qián

As ice and snowflakes fall on the material world, I send forth my feelings for you as I send you off

辟如生死爱欲 如刻骨云烟

bì rú shēng sǐ ài yù   rú kè gǔ yún yān

Love is like the desire of life in death, like clouds and smoke etched in bone

随朝暮尽散 又随朝暮还复来

suí zhāo mù jìn sàn   yòu suí zhāo mù huán fù lái

Fading away and re-emerging with the ebb and flow of time, from morning to evening


tíng yuàn táo huā yǐ kāi

The peach blossoms in the courtyard have bloomed


ruò chēng wéi zhī jǐ

Since he sees me as his confidant

知情知意知我 相思无绝期

zhī qíng zhī yì zhī wǒ   xiāng sī wú jué qī

He sees through my feelings and thoughts, seeing through me; he knows my yearning for him has no end

从来不信命 任因果报应

cóng lái bù xìn mìng   rèn yīn guǒ bào yīng

Never believing in fate, letting karma take its course

却因他祈愿 来世姻缘再续

què yīn tā qí yuàn   lái shì yīn yuán zài xù

But he is the cause of my fervent wish, for our communion to persist past this lifetime

如何云淡风轻 日月朝夕

rú hé yún dàn fēng qīng   rì yuè zhāo xī

How are the clouds and winds so gentle and light, all day and night?


hóng xiàn àn qiān xì

The red thread of fate secretly ties itself to both of us

举杯相约重逢 莫再违期

jǔ bēi xiāng yuē zhòng féng   mò zài wéi qī

We raise a toast; you promise to meet me again, and I ask you not to be back late

愿与君如梁上燕 岁岁年 长相见

yuàn yǔ jūn rú liáng shàng yàn   suì suì nián   cháng xiāng jiàn

I wish us never-ending communion like two swallows in a nest, seeing each other and growing old together year after year

隔世霜雪落 寄我意 送君前

gé shì shuāng xuě luò   jì wǒ yì   sòng jūn qián

As ice and snowflakes fall on the material world, I send forth my feelings for you as I send you off

辟如生死爱欲 如刻骨云烟

bì rú shēng sǐ ài yù   rú kè gǔ yún yān

Love is like the desire of life in death, like clouds and smoke etched in bone

随朝暮尽散 又随朝暮还复来

suí zhāo mù jìn sàn   yòu suí zhāo mù huán fù lái

Fading away and re-emerging with the ebb and flow of time, from morning to evening


tíng yuàn táo huā yǐ kāi

The peach blossoms in the courtyard have bloomed

愿君千岁身常健 执手白发红颜

yuàn jūn qiān suì shēn cháng jiàn   zhí shǒu bái fā hóng yán

I wish you a thousand years of health and strength; may you be white-haired and rosy cheeks as you hold my hand

士为知己容 常相看两不厌

shì wéi zhī jǐ róng   cháng xiāng kàn liǎng bù yàn

As confidantes, our yearning for each other will never cease


任凭日月如箭 轮转过尘缘

rèn píng rì yuè rú jiàn   lún zhuǎn guò chén yuán

With the sun and moon like arrows sending us across our lifetimes in this world

随你登高殿 或随你天涯仗剑

suí nǐ dēng gāo diàn   huò suí nǐ tiān yá zhàng jiàn

I will follow you, be it to ascend the high heavens or to wield swords chasing the ends of the earth


xún dé yī yú táo yuán

We will find our paradise in a corner of this world

回身看 盛世河清海晏

huí shēn kàn   shèng shì hé qīng hǎi yàn

And gaze back on the world thriving with seas rich and rivers clear

𓇼 ˚𓆝 ⋆。𓆟 ⋆。𓆞˚ 𓇼


Production: Miss Evans  猫耳FM

Musical production: Chao Sheng Group 潮声组 (@潮声组 on Weibo)

Composer and producer: Lian Ye 莲琊 (@莲琊 on Weibo)

Original vocals: C (@C爱唱歌 on Weibo)

Arrangement: Ouyang Wen Jun 欧阳文俊 and Lian Ye 莲琊 (@莲琊 on Weibo)

Mixing/Mastering: Liu Shuai 刘帅

Album art: Wei Shan 伪鳝@普遍善良

Original lyrics in Mandarin: Long Xiao Tao 龙小套 (@龙小套是一颗桃 on Weibo)

English lyrics translation: Mantou / Steamed Bun Translations on Blogspot (@余韻馒头 on Weibo)

[Disclaimer: I only own the English translations of these lyrics in bold font in the above translated texts.]

Check out the other theme song from the Married Thrice to Salted Fish audio drama:

- 相思续续如梦来 Yearning Pervades the Dreams (Season 1)



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