不悟 (Bu Wu) English Lyrics Translation - Unenlightened (天官赐福 TGCF)

English translation of the lyrics of the theme song from the second season of the audio drama for MXTX's novel Heaven Official's Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu (TGCF), hosted on Miss Evan 猫耳FM: 《不悟 Bu Wu》 Unenlightened. 

An absolutely beautiful but haunting piece, capturing Hua Cheng's devotion for Xie Lian...just like every single TGCF song, to be honest hahahaha. I actually translated this on Xie Lian's birthday (15 July), so happy birthday gege!!

Chinese/Pinyin/English lyrics available under the cut!

Image credits to the original artist for the 天官赐福 audio drama Season 2 on Miss Evan.

The original song is publicly available to listen for free on the producer site, Miss Evan. This site holds no affliations with Miss Evan, or any of the producers.

Original Chinese lyrics by 择荇, English lyrics translation by Mantou@SteamedBunTranslations.
[Disclaimer: I (Mantou) do not own the song, and only own the English translations of the song lyrics in bold font in the following texts.]
Full copyright attributions and extra translation notes at the bottom of the post!

《不悟》 Unenlightened

Vocals: 张恩岱, composition: Litterzy



Yũnxŭ wõ chéngwéi

Let me become



Wúmíng de chimèi

A monster[1] without a name



Huò zuò nǐ zhăng nèi yĩ pěng hui

Or let me become a handful of ash, within your palm



Jiù rú wõ céng zài réncháo zhòng xiàzhui

Just as I once fell from the sky amongst the crowd



Zhuì xiàng nǐ juàngù de lúnhuí

Descending into the cycle of your concern



Tiāndi dǐngfèi tóng lú

As heaven and earth simmer in a copper pot



Shèng wǒ băi liàn róng kū

I remain to face hundreds of hardships, prospering and declining



Bù kěn bèi xuè yũ lèi kuānshù

And refuse to be forgiven by blood and tears



Zuò xià yúnyún xìntú

Under the pedestals are hoards of believers



Ér wõ míngwán bù wù

Yet I still remain stubborn



Nĩ cái shì wéiyī de jiùshú

You are the only source of salvation



Wàn shén zài tiān, bûbì chuí lián

Even the numerous gods in Heaven need not dispense mercy



Wǒ yào yú shānyue hãi xiàng jiàn

I wish to traverse the mountains and cross the seas to meet you



Ruò nǐ àiliàn, rú sĩ cuicàn rénjiān

If you were to love, the world will become vivid and beautiful



Qǐng xìn wǒ cóng wei zu yuǎn

Please trust that I've never strayed from you


允许我追随 有你的欢悲

Yunxů wo zhuīsuí you ni de huân bēi

Allowing me to chase follow you, with all your joys and your sorrows



Chóngféng zài măn chéng jĩn fāngfēi

Holding the reunion in a city brimming with beauty



Yourén púfú báigů

Some may crawl amongst the white bones



Yourén duān zuò gão kū

Others may sit poised and comfortable in their high caves


不肯将花与剑辜负 世上苦厄命途

Bù kěn jiāng hua yu jiàn gūfù shishàng kŭ è mìngtú

Not allowing the flower and the sword to waste the sufferings of the masses



Wèi wǒ jīng xīn zhuó mù

It shocks my heart and burns my eyes



Yào dù nǐ, zuì wúbiān yōu bù

I wish to ferry you across the most boundless of sorrows and fears



Wàn shén zài tiān, bûbì chuí lián

Even the numerous gods in Heaven need not dispense mercy



Chī zhě fùtāngdǎohuo xiāng jiàn

In order to meet you, I am foolish enough to suffer hell and high water



Ruò nữ àiliàn, rú sĩ cui càn rénjiān

If you were to love, the world will become vivid and beautiful



Qǐng xìn wǒ cóng wèi zǒu yuǎn

Please trust that I've never strayed from you



Zhū shén bù yán, qiānqiū wàn diàn

While all the gods remain silent in their eternal palaces,



Zhèng nĩ cháng xíng dẻ cháng suǒ yuàn

I ensure that your long journeys will not be in vain.



Ruò wõ bēnfù, rú sĩ cuicàn rénjiān

If I were to run towards such a vivid and beautiful world,



Qǐng děng wǒ huí nữ shēnbiān

Please wait for me to return to your side.

Translation notes:

[1] 魑魅 (chi1 mei4) is a term referring to a special type of demon who is sometimes thought to be a mountain god.

[2] My interpretation is that this refers to the gods (as opposed to the previous line referring to ghosts, due to 'crawling on the bones') because of how 端坐 ('sit') carries the connotation of sitting in an upright, comfortable position.



Drafting/planning:括号君 Kuo Hao Jun (@战场老军医括号君 on Weibo)

Musical director:李大白 Li Da Bai (@李大白k on Weibo)

CompositionLitterzy (@litterzy on Weibo)

Lyrics:择荇 Ze Xing (@择荇 on Weibo)

Arrangement:向往 Xiang Wang (@-向了个往- on Weibo)

Vocals:张恩岱 Zhang Si Dai (@Tarzan泰山乐队-张恩岱 on Weibo)

MixingCuTTleFiSh (@_CuTTleFiSh on Weibo)

Guitar:向往 Xiang Wang (@-向了个往- on Weibo)

Background vocals:(A Shu) 阿书Veson (@阿书Veson on Weibo)


Video699Studio (@反卷文化 on Weibo)
Overall project planning:鱼宸 Yu Chen

Original Chinese lyrics: 择荇 (Ze Xing)

English lyrics translation: Mantou / Steamed Bun Translations on Blogspot (@余韻馒头 on Weibo)

[Disclaimer: I (mantou) only own the English translations of these lyrics in bold font in the above translated texts.]


Thank you for reading this translation of mine :) I hope you liked it! Please feel free to subscribe for more danmei audio drama translations, and more!

Check out other translations from the TGCF 天官赐福 Audio drama:


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