恋爱演习 (Lian Ai Yan Xi) English Lyrics Translation - Love Rehearsal

English translation of the lyrics of 《恋爱演习》Love Rehearsalthe theme song from the Chinese audio drama for 木更木更 Mu Geng Mu Geng's novel In Name Only 有名 ('You Ming').

This jazzy and skillful rap-singing duet by 陈亦洺 and Mario smoothly expresses the chemistry between the two main characters of the novel, Liang Yu and Xu Jing Zhe ~

 Chinese/Pinyin/English lyrics available under the cut!

Image credits to the original artist for 有名 on missevan.com.

The original song may be accessed at its original source on Miss Evan. This site holds no affiliations with Miss Evan or any of the producers.

Original Chinese lyrics by 焰三一, English lyrics translation by Mantou@SteamedBunTranslations.
[Disclaimer: I (Mantou) do not own the song, and only own the English translations of the song lyrics in bold font in the following texts.]
Full copyright attributions at the bottom of the post!

《恋爱演习》 Love Rehearsal

Vocals, rap and composition: 陈亦洺; Vocals and rap: Mario

[Mario RAP]


nà me



请你 认真 回答 提问 聊经过 这角色

qǐng nǐ   rèn zhēn   huí dá   tí wèn   liáo jīng guò zhè jiǎo sè  

Please answer this question seriously – let's talk about this role


从何时 产生迷惑

cóng hé shí   chǎn shēng mí huò

This role – when did the enchantment begin?


或者哪一幕 突然假戏真做

huò zhě nǎ yī mù   tū rán jiǎ xì zhēn zuò

In other words, from which scene did play-acting turn into reality?


这转变 有预谋么

zhè zhuǎn biàn   yǒu yù móu me

Was this turn of events premeditated?


解释一下 这场交错

jiě shì yī xià   zhè cháng jiāo cuò

Please explain this entanglement


谁先 心动 乱猜 真假 作假

shéi xiān  xīn dòng  luàn cāi  zhēn jiǎ  zuò jiǎ  

Who was the first one to waver, to haphazardly guess at reality, to throw feints?


气压 血压 变化 真的吧

qì yā  xuè yā  biàn huà  zhēn de bā

Air pressure, blood pressure – are the fluctuations real?


三生石旧精魂 话本 太多

sān shēng shí jiù jīng hún   huà běn   tài duō

The old soul on the shore with three lives[1] has too many stories


都有提过 哪一场鱼水之欢 不勾动天雷地火

dū yǒu tí guò   nǎ yī cháng yú shuǐ zhī huān   bù gōu dòng tiān léi dì huǒ

And all of them talk about which joyous encounters between fish and water[2] didn't arouse thunder and fire



这段记忆 反复放 在哪部剧里

zhè duàn jì yì   fǎn fù fàng   zài nǎ bù jù lǐ

Which drama series are these memories continuously re-airing in?


满载荣誉 或溃堤 也没人代替

mǎn zài róng yù   huò kuì dī   yě méi rén dài tì

Whether it's glory or shame, there is no replacement


谁不都是 沉浮在 舆论里

shéi bù dū shì   chén fú zài   yú lùn lǐ

Everyone faces ups and downs amidst public discourse


直到你 抓住了 岁月仓惶里重重转机

zhí dào nǐ   zhuā zhù liǎo   suì yuè cāng huáng lǐ zhòng zhòng zhuǎn jī

Before grasping the opportunities to make a turnabout amidst these tumultuous times



[Mario RAP]


luò yǔ

It's raining



nǐ yòu dā shàng liǎo fēi jī

You're on an airplane again



cè huá wǒ mén xià yī cì de xiāng yù

Strategising the timing of our next meeting


每次默契 在一点点累积

měi cì mò qì   zài yī diǎn diǎn léi jī

With every encounter, the chemistry between us accumulates bit by bit


假装营业 其实甜蜜

jiǎ zhuāng yíng yè   qí shí tián mì

Pretending to be merely operational, but sweet in reality


[陈亦洺 rap]



还记得 最初的你

huán jì dé   zuì chū de nǐ

I still recall the way you were at first



yī guān chǔ chǔ de zhàn zài liǎo diàn shì jī lǐ

Properly attired, standing within the TV screen


不见 悲喜 角色都是你的面具

bù jiàn   bēi xǐ   jiǎo sè dū shì nǐ de miàn jù

Joyful or sorrowful, every role was a mask you donned


也看到 我自己

yě kàn dào   wǒ zì jǐ

I saw myself too


[Mario and 陈亦洺CHORUS (both singing)]

是身不由己 全心全意 假装的情侣

shì shēn bù yóu jǐ   quán xīn quán yì   jiǎ zhuāng de qíng lǚ

Unable to control myself, we completely immerse ourselves in pretending to be a couple


沧海拾遗 让人着迷 也算是奇遇

cāng hǎi shí yí   ràng rén zhuó mí   yě suàn shì qí yù

Fishing from the sea a sort of bedazzling serendipity


要慢慢熟悉 并驾齐驱 牵手一世纪

yào màn màn shú xī   bìng jià qí qū   qiān shǒu yī shì jì

We interlock hands for a century, slowly familiarising, then keeping pace with it


看人海多拥挤 还好没有错过你

kàn rén hǎi duō yōng jǐ   huán hǎo méi yǒu cuò guò nǐ

It's lucky I hadn't lost you in this mob of people




写出传奇 又落在 我的生命里

xiě chū chuán qí   yòu luò zài   wǒ de shēng mìng lǐ

Writing out a legendary tale which falls upon my destiny again


滤镜摘去 不怀疑 就是爱上你

lǜ jìng zhāi qù   bù huái yí   jiù shì ài shàng nǐ

Remove the filter and stop suspecting me – I have fallen for you


点点滴滴 撑风雨 共朝夕

diǎn diǎn dī dī   chēng fēng yǔ   gòng zhāo xī

I withstand the rain and the wind day and night


才发现 你早已 岁月静好里准时出席

cái fā xiàn   nǐ zǎo yǐ   suì yuè jìng hǎo lǐ zhǔn shí chū xí

Only to realise that even in these peaceful times, you're already prepared to rise to the occasion


[Mario RAP]


hǎo qí!

How curious!



yí hàn cháng mián zài wǎng xī

Regrets lie dormant in the bygone days



mí bǔ wǒ mén yǐ cuò guò de guò qù

Making up for the histories that we've missed


随时期待 每一次的惊喜

suí shí qī dài   měi yī cì de jīng xǐ

Now, we look forward to a surprise each time


拥抱过去 也拥抱你

yōng bào guò qù   yě yōng bào nǐ

I 've embraced the past, and I will embrace you too





别忘记 真实自己

bié wàng jì   zhēn shí zì jǐ

Don't forget your true self



bù yòng huó zài bié rén shè dìng de tiáo kuàng lǐ

Don't live within the boundaries that others designate for you


交换 悲喜 交换每次心情梳理

jiāo huàn   bēi xǐ   jiāo huàn měi cì xīn qíng shū lǐ

Exchanges of joy and sorrow, consolidating the emotions within


坚定地 相信你

jiān dìng dì   xiāng xìn nǐ

I believe in you firmly

[Mario and 陈亦洺 CHORUS (both singing, with Mario's background rap in brackets)]

是身不由己 全心全意 假装的情侣(猜真真假假)

shì shēn bù yóu jǐ   quán xīn quán yì   jiǎ zhuāng de qíng lǚcāi zhēn zhēn jiǎ jiǎ

Unable to control myself, we completely immerse ourselves in pretending to be a couple (guessing at what's real and what's fake)


剧情更替 不似预期 却令人满意(要作废之前的计划)

jù qíng gēng tì   bù sì yù qī   què líng rén mǎn yì yào zuò fèi zhī qián de jì huá

The plot thickens and twists beyond expectation, and it's highly satisfying (gotta destroy the initial plans)


要慢慢熟悉 并驾齐驱 牵手一世纪(也没有其他办法)

yào màn màn shú xī   bìng jià qí qū   qiān shǒu yī shì jì yě méi yǒu qí tā bàn fǎ

We interlock hands for a century, slowly familiarising, then keeping pace with it


这相爱的意义 就用一生去解析

zhè xiāng ài de yì yì   jiù yòng yī shēng qù jiě xī

To analyse the meaning behind this mutual affection, an entire lifetime is needed



是身不由己 全心全意 假装的情侣 (猜真真假假)

shì shēn bù yóu jǐ   quán xīn quán yì   jiǎ zhuāng de qíng lǚcāi zhēn zhēn jiǎ jiǎ

Unable to control myself, we completely immerse ourselves in pretending to be a couple (guessing at what's real and what's fake)


爱情演习 世间绝迹 最棒的知己 (对未来做起规划)

ài qíng yǎn xí   shì jiān jué jì   zuì bàng de zhī jǐ duì wèi lái zuò qǐ guī huá 

Rehearsing love with the best soulmate, the only one left in the world (making plans for the future)


要慢慢熟悉 并驾齐驱 牵手一世纪 (也没有其他办法)

yào màn màn shú xī   bìng jià qí qū   qiān shǒu yī shì jì yě méi yǒu qí tā bàn fǎ

We interlock hands for a century, slowly familiarising, then keeping pace with it


就让每次相遇 变成甜蜜的回忆

jiù ràng měi cì xiāng yù   biàn chéng tián mì de huí yì

Let every encounter become our sweet memory

  𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 

Translation notes:

[1] From 三生石旧精魂  (sān shēng shàng shí jiù jīng hún), an idiomatic phrase literally meaning "An Old Soul On the Stone of Three Lives" from a poem by Yuan Jiao of the same name.

[2] From the Chinese 4-word idiom, 鱼水之欢 (yú shuǐ zhī huān), literally meaning "joy between fish and water", metaphorically meant as a euphemism to refer to sexual encounters between two people. The first word, yú, is also a pun on the novel's main male lead, Liang Yu. I chose a clearer translation with 'encounter' to imply the innuendo more openly.

 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 

Credits and copyrights go to:


Director:聊聊 Liao Liao (@不晓得唱歌 on Weibo)

Composer, backup vocals' arrangement and backup vocals:陈亦洺 Chen Yi Ming (@陈亦洺 on Weibo)

Arrangement:崔博源 Cui Bo Yuan (@崔博源源不断 on Weibo)

Vocals, backup vocals: Mario (@Miao-Mario on Weibo)

Mixing/Mastering:罗文Rown (Luo Wen) (@罗文Rown on Weibo)

Poster art design10 (@气味野生定制 on Weibo)

Original lyrics in Chinese:焰三一 (Yan San Yi) (@焰三一 on Weibo) 

Translation in English: mantou @SteamedBunTranslations on Blogger

[Disclaimer: I only own the English translations of these lyrics in bold font in the above translated texts.]

 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 

♪ Thank you for reading this translation! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did translating it!

Check out other translations from the 有名 audio drama:


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