鱼水间 (Yu Shui Jian) English Lyrics Translation - Between Fish and Water

English translation of the lyrics of 《鱼水间》Between Fish and Waterthe theme song from the Chinese audio drama for 木更木更 Mu Geng Mu Geng's novel In Name Only 有名 ('You Ming').

A uniquely sensual piece by 柏鹿 that captures the feeling of being underwater, an apposite match to the theme and characters of the novel! I feel like this is the sort of song that only 柏鹿老师 can pull off like this, hahaha. (Would totally love to hear some covers of it though, especially from 陈亦洺老师...this is the sort of song in which the feels probably change dramatically with each rendition.)

 Chinese/Pinyin/English lyrics available under the cut!

Image credits to the original artist for 有名 on missevan.com

The original song may be listened to for free publicly at the original source, Miss Evan. This site holds no affiliations to Miss Evan or any of the producers.

Original Chinese lyrics by 焰三一, English lyrics translation by Mantou@SteamedBunTranslations.
[Disclaimer: I (Mantou) do not own the song, and only own the English translations of the song lyrics in bold font in the following texts.]
Full copyright attributions at the bottom of the post!

《鱼水间》 Between Fish and Water

Vocals and composition: 柏鹿

像座山 沉默 他扛着
xiàng zuò shān   chén mò   tā káng zhè
As silent as a mountain,

bù wéi rén zhī de jì mò
He carries a closeted loneliness.

那旧日 淬炼于水火
nà jiù rì   cuì liàn yú shuǐ huǒ
The bygone days well-tempered by water and fire

铸成 笑容不褪色
zhù chéng   xiào róng bù tùi sè
Have casted on his face a smile that never fades.

dā dā dā dā dā
(Da da da da da ~)

时钟 一声声叹息
shí zhōng   yī shēng shēng tàn xī
The clock sighs, sound by sound

捡拾着 那些年 的雨滴
jiǎn shí zhuó   nà xiē nián   de yǔ dī
Collecting the raindrops of those years

后来 哒哒哒哒哒
hòu lái   dā dā dā dā dā
In the future (Da da da da da ~)

mìng yùn zǒng guāng guài lù lí
Fate tends to turn out vividly bizarre.

鱼水间 的相遇
yú shuǐ jiān   de xiāng yù
The fateful meeting between fish and water.

那是曾经 迎着风雨的躯体
nà shì zēng jīng   yíng zhuó fēng yǔ de qū tǐ
The material body that has undergone wind and rain

zài wǒ shì jiè chù lì
Stands tall in my world

一寸光 一拢地 暖风和熙写安逸
yī cùn guāng   yī lǒng dì   nuǎn fēng hé xī xiě ān yì
An inch of light, a gathering of land, a warm wind richly creating a calm and stable atmosphere

你眼中有 绝地反击的诗意
nǐ yǎn zhōng yǒu   jué dì fǎn jī de shī yì
In your eyes, there's a poetic feeling like a forceful counterattack,

像闪烁着 撩人的暗语
xiàng shǎn shuò zhuó   liāo rén de àn yǔ
Akin to flashing a playful secret code.

在这剧本里 我渐渐入迷
zài zhè jù běn lǐ   wǒ jiàn jiàn rù mí
I gradually engross myself in the script we play.

他像个 传说 住进了
tā xiàng gè   chuán shuō   zhù jìn liǎo
Like a legendary figure,

hóng tǎn méi guī de wáng guó
He takes residence into a kingdom of red carpets and roses

于是我 寻觅着因果
yú shì wǒ   xún mì zhuó yīn guǒ
As I search for the causes and the effects

饰演 正确的角色
shì yǎn   zhèng què de jiǎo sè
I follow suit, likewise playing the appropriate role.

dā dā dā dā dā
(Da da da da da ~)

时光 教会人珍惜
shí guāng   jiào huì rén zhēn xī
Time teaches people to cherish

去觊觎 面具后 的真心
qù jì yú   miàn jù hòu   de zhēn xīn
The true face behind the mask.

后来 哒哒哒哒哒
hòu lái   dā dā dā dā dā
In the future (Da da da da da ~)

xīn dòng bù xū yào zhèng míng
Affection needs no proof.

鱼水间 自相吸
yú shuǐ jiān   zì xiāng xī
Between fish and water, attraction naturally occurs.

那曾是你 年少撑起的羽翼
nà zēng shì nǐ   nián shǎo chēng qǐ de yǔ yì
These are the feathered wings you once spread

zhòng zhù zì yóu de tiān dì
When remoulding your world of freedom.

踏碎的 旧废墟
tà suì de   jiù fèi xū
Stepping on the old ruins, which crumbled

cháng chū chūn rì bān shēng jī
Creating a vitality akin to a spring day.

你眼中有 诗歌田园的畅意
nǐ yǎn zhōng yǒu   shī gē tián yuán de chàng yì
In your eyes there is carefreeness flowing forth like a field of poetry.

偏安一隅 共鉴赏晨曦
piān ān yī yú   gòng jiàn shǎng chén xī
Content in our little corner, appreciating the morning light together.

请允许把你 锁进我的心
qǐng yǔn xǔ bǎ nǐ   suǒ jìn wǒ de xīn
Please consent to being locked in my heart.

dā dā dā dā dā
(Da da da da da ~)

多熟悉 在耳畔轻语
duō shú xī   zài ěr pàn qīng yǔ
Familiar with the words we whisper

就这样 牵手做情侣
jiù zhè yàng   qiān shǒu zuò qíng lǚ
Just like this, holding hands as a couple,

xiàng shì qí jì
As if a miracle.

这世界 凡人皆蚂蚁
zhè shì jiè   fán rén jiē mǎ yǐ
In this world, humans are as inconsequential as ants

有些苦 无人能代替
yǒu xiē kǔ   wú rén néng dài tì
Certain hardships cannot be undertaken by just anyone.

不如就 让未来清晰 别犹豫
bù rú jiù   ràng wèi lái qīng xī bié yóu yù
Worry no more – let the future illuminate it all.

Credits/copyright goes to:
Art: 有名 audio drama on missevan.com
Production: 声罗万象工作室 (Xin Luo Wan Xiang Studios)
Director:聊聊 Liao Liao (@不晓得唱歌 on Weibo)
Composition, background vocal arrangement & vocals: 柏鹿 Bai Lu (@柏鹿柏鹿 on Weibo)
Arrangement: 石慧峰 Shi Hui Feng
Guitar: 吳家裕 Wu Jia Yu
Background vocals: 大福丸几 (Da Fu Wan Ji) and 柏鹿  (Bai Lu)
Mixing: 都欣桐 Du Xin Tong (@都欣桐 on Weibo)
Original lyrics in Chinese:焰三一 Yan San Yi (@焰三一 on Weibo) 
Translation in English: mantou @SteamedBunTranslations on Blogger

[Disclaimer: I only own the English translations of these lyrics in bold font in the above translated texts.]

♪ Thank you for reading this translation! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did translating it!

Check out other translations from the 有名 audio drama:


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