不出戏 (Bu Chu Xi) English Lyrics Translation - Staying In Character

English translation of the lyrics of 《不出戏》Staying In Characterthe theme song from the Chinese audio drama for 木更木更 Mu Geng Mu Geng's novel, In Name Only 有名 ('You Ming').

What a sweet song! Certainly a fresh change to the usually amorous and heated atmosphere emanating from this novel.

 Chinese/Pinyin/English lyrics available under the cut!

Image credits to the original artist for 有名 on Miss Evan at missevan.com.

The original song may be accessed at its source on Miss Evan. This site holds no affiliations with Miss Evan or any of the producers.

Original Chinese lyrics by 焰三一, English lyrics translation by Mantou@SteamedBunTranslations.
[Disclaimer: I (Mantou) do not own the song, and only own the English translations of the song lyrics in bold font in the following texts.]
Full copyright attributions at the bottom of the post!

《不出戏》Staying In Character

Vocals: 醉雪; Composer: 动点


jiù dāng shì huì wù

Let's just treat this as enlightenment


聚光灯舔舐着 我们一生

jù guāng dēng tiǎn shì zhuó   wǒ mén yī sheng

The rays from the spotlight shining upon our lives



ér ài qíng jiù chén zài hǎi dǐ

Love is sinking into the sea


游弋着变成 本能

yóu yì zhuó biàn chéng   běn néng

Cruising along, it becomes our instinct.



mǎn zhū guāng bǎo qì

Adorned with glittering jewels


高楼 夜色多迷离

gāo lóu   yè sè duō mí lí

From the skyscraper, the night view is blurry


跟每缕 大风寒 道如意

gēn měi lǚ   dà fēng hán   dào rú yì

Strong winds blowing every strand of hair on a whim


假设 剧本要华丽

jiǎ shè   jù běn yào huá lì

Let's presume the script needs to be elaborate


才让 万人呼惊喜

cái ràng   wàn rén hū jīng xǐ

In order to let the masses cheer in delight



kě fǒu qǐng nǐ duì yì

Shall we, then, share a game of chess?


我不确定 到底是谁 不出戏

wǒ bù què dìng   dào dǐ shì shuí   bù chū xì

I don't know which of us is the one who stayed in character


毕竟 海啸难逃避

bì jìng   hǎi xiào nán táo bì

After all, tsunamis are hard to escape


共鸣着 基因里 远古传递的韵律

gòng míng zhuó   jī yīn lǐ   yuǎn gǔ chuán dì de yùn lǜ

Resonating with the rhythm built into our genes since prehistory


请深呼吸 体悟脖颈的香气

qǐng shēn hū xī   tǐ wù bó jǐng de xiāng qì

Please inhale deeply to take in the fragrance emanating from the neck


真情假戏 请投掷硬币

zhēn qíng jiǎ xì   qǐng tóu zhì yìng bì

Immersing real emotions into play-acting, please flip a coin


反正荷尔蒙 眼中永不熄

fǎn zhèng hé ěr mēng   yǎn zhōng yǒng bù xī

After all, hormones don't extinguish in the first place



shēng cún de dìng yì

The meaning of life


某一刻 要重新排序

mǒu yī kè   yào zhòng xīn pái xù

Must seek redefinition at a certain point in time


心跳声 冲锋到绝壁

xīn tiào shēng   chōng fēng dào jué bì

Heartbeats rush to the precipice



zuò shén me xì

What act shall we play?


万人敌 瘫倒在沙地

wàn rén dí   tān dǎo zài shā dì

Making enemies with the masses, we collapse on the beach


穿心箭 附着着甜蜜

chuān xīn jiàn   fù zhuó zhuó tián mì

The arrow that pierces the heart is laced with sweetness


一个吻 脱离这险地

yī gè wěn   tuō lí zhè xiǎn dì

With a kiss, we escape the danger zone


麻烦你 麻烦你

má fán nǐ   má fán nǐ

Sorry for the inconveniences caused, sorry for the inconveniences caused


我不确定 到底是谁 不出戏

wǒ bù què dìng   dào dǐ shì shuí   bù chū xì

I don't know which of us is the one who stayed in character


毕竟 天黑难逃避

bì jìng   tiān hēi nán táo bì

After all, stormy skies[1] are hard to escape


共鸣着 基因里 最原始的吸引力

gòng míng zhuó   jī yīn lǐ   zuì yuán shǐ de xī yǐn lì

Resonating with the magnetic force built into our genes since prehistory


请深呼吸 感受深海的氧气

qǐng shēn hū xī   gǎn shòu shēn hǎi de yǎng qì

Please inhale deeply to take in the oxygen of the deep sea


像一瞬间 进化成两栖

xiàng yī shùn jiān   jìn huà chéng liǎng qī

Within a moment, we evolve to become amphibians


遵循着本能 用尽力爱你

zūn xún zhuó běn néng   yòng jìn lì ài nǐ

I abide by my biological instincts to love you with all my effort



shēng huó de yì yì

The meaning of life


某一刻 延伸出躯体

mǒu yī kè   yán shēn chū qū tǐ

Must extend beyond the body at a certain point in time


听理智 徒劳的分析

tīng lǐ zhì   tú láo de fēn xī

Listening to the analysis conducted in vain by my rational mind,


我举白旗 万人迷 簇拥者稠密 一出戏 用一生演绎

wǒ jǔ bái qí wàn rén mí   cù yōng zhě chóu mì yī chū xì   yòng yī shēng yǎn yì

I raise my white flag once the heartthrob of the masses escapes his character, choosing to enact his life instead.


请对手 别放松警惕

qǐng duì shǒu   bié fàng sōng jǐng tì

Please, dear opponent, don't let your guard down


谢谢你 谢谢你

xiè xiè nǐ   xiè xiè nǐ

Thank you, thank you

Translation notes:

[1] 黑天 can be translated as either 'dusk sky' or 'stormy sky', but I chose the latter to match the tsunami lyrics which were meant originally to parallel this specific with the same phrasing. 

Credits and copyrights go to:

Director:聊聊 Liao Liao (@不晓得唱歌 on Weibo)
Composers/arrangers:动点 Dong Dian (@动次打次的动点p on Weibo) and 陈亦洺 Chen Yi Ming (@陈亦洺 on Weibo)
Vocals, backup vocals arrangement and backup vocals:醉雪 Zui Xue (@ShareYoung醉雪 on Weibo)
Mixing and mastering:罗文Rown (Luo Wen) (@罗文Rown on Weibo)
Poster art:10 (@气味野生定制 on Weibo)
Original lyrics in Chinese:焰三一 (Yan San Yi) (@焰三一 on Weibo)
Translation in English: mantou (@SteamedBunTranslations on Blogger)
[Disclaimer: I (mantou) only own the English translations of these lyrics in bold font in the above translated texts.]

 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 

♪ Thank you for reading this translation! It was a joy to translate, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did translating it!

Check out other translations from the 有名 audio drama:


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