相思续续入梦来 (Xiang Si Xu Xu Ru Meng Lai) English Lyrics Translation - Married Thrice to Salted Fish (MTSF) Audio Drama, Season 1 Theme Song

Although we're still halfway into our Mou Mou lyricfest, I (only a little apologetically) interrupt the flow with an English translation from an audio drama that has 'flipped' itself into a second season just like a salted fish 'flips' itself back to life - the wonderful Married Thrice to Salted Fish (三嫁咸鱼)! 

Yeah, couldn't help it...really wanted to get this first season's ending song translated before the second season's ending song gets released, and also to celebrate the second season. (No shit, this audio drama is too good, asdfghjkl please do yourself a favour and listen to it because 陈张太康 and 马正阳 slayed so hard respectively as the drama's main characters Lin Qingyu and Lu Wancheng...and the extras are so funny hhhhhhhhhhh)

Speaking of 陈张太康 and 马正阳, the two of them made a cover of this song (original version beautifully sang by 远皓ZIL), and it's literally my morning alarm song because it makes me grin so hard while also wanting to cry, and the complex cocktail of emotions is what rouses my lazy ass from my bed lmao ;A;

Not gonna lie though...while this is indeed one of my absolute favourite danmei AD theme songs, it is no doubt definitely the number one song that I've had the hardest time translating so far...historical-era dramas always have the BEST songs, but also the lyrics with the most purple prose. And I never had the honour of learning how language or history worked in that era. So I apologise for any potential inaccuracies - please forgive me if you spot any mistakes, and feel free to suggest modifications OTL *insert salted fish image*

Chinese/Pinyin/English lyrics available under the cut!

The original song may be listened to for free on the producer site, Miss Evan. The cover by the voice actors of the original audio drama can also be listened to for free on Miss Evan here. This blogspot account holds no affiliations with Miss Evan or the producers.

Original Chinese lyrics by 龙小套, English lyrics translation by Mantou@SteamedBunTranslations.
[Disclaimer: I (Mantou) do not own the song, and only own the English translations of the song lyrics in bold font in the following texts.]
Full copyright attributions and extra translation notes at the bottom of the post!

《相思续续入梦来》 Yearning Pervades the Dreams

Original vocals by 远皓ZIL; cover by 马正阳 Ma Zhengyang (as 陆晚丞 Lu Wancheng) and 陈张太康 Chenzhang Taikang (as 林清羽 Lin Qingyu)

[陆晚丞 Lu Wancheng (马正阳 Ma Zhengyang)]

tā xiāng yì mèng lǐ
In a strange dream in a strange land

dōu zhuǎn qià féng zhī jǐ
I met a bosom friend

fēi guāng kǔ zhòu duǎn
Time flies at lightspeed, making each day feel short

jǔ bēi yāo chūn fēng gòng yǐn
I raise a glass, inviting the spring breeze for a drink

bù qiú fú huá míng
Not seeking transient objects like fame

líng yún yì qì
A lofty spirit

cháng yuàn yī shēng qīng xián fán yōng
I just wish to live a leisurely and ordinary life

píng ān shùn yì
Safe and smooth-sailing


[林清羽 Lin Qingyu (陈张太康 Chenzhang Taikang)]

shuò fēng bù jiě yì
The north wind does not understand

jīng qí yǎn mái guī qī
The return date was postponed, buried in banners of war

gù lǐ jǐn shū lái
A letter from the hometown

shuí luò bǐ shān yǒu mù xī
Filled with words of love evoking the mountains and the trees

guān jiāng shān fēng yǔ
Spectating a life as carefree and unbounded as the rivers

wéi tā rù jú
I decided to join him, just for him

yī zhāo jié fā
Thus came the day we swore our lives to each other

shēng shēng shì shì liǎng bù yí
To have and to hold, for better and for worse


[Chorus, together]

míng yuè kě zhī
Does the radiant moon know

此间情人相思 又几许
cǐ jiān qíng rén xiāng sī   yòu jī xǔ
Just how much my lover in this world misses me?

jì wǒ qiǎn quǎn xīn xù
Send my affectionate thoughts to him

不远千里 随君去
bù yuǎn qiān lǐ   suí jūn qù
Even a thousand miles isn't far, if they were to follow you

qù nián cǐ shí cǐ jǐng
Last year, in the same season

万籁俱寂 白雪红嫁衣
wàn lài jù jì   bái xuě hóng jià yī
The same silent scene with white snow and a red wedding dress

怎抵一眼 生死别离
zěn dǐ yī yǎn   shēng sǐ bié lí
Could not resist life and death occurring within the blink of an eye


[林清羽 Lin Qingyu (陈张太康 Chenzhang Taikang)]

zhòng fǎn jiù mèng lǐ
Returning to a dream from times past

huǎng rán chū jiàn xiāng yù
We suddenly met for the first time again

zài zhí zǐ zhī shǒu
I held your hand again

réng rú chì zǐ bān zhí mí
Still stubbornly obsessed, immature like a child

[陆晚丞 Lu Wancheng (马正阳 Ma Zhengyang)]

ruò ài rén ān yú shì jiān yī yú
If my lover lives on contentedly in a corner of this world

为一人 为苍生
wéi yī rén   wéi cāng sheng
It doesn't matter

yòu hé xū fēn qīng
Whether he does so for one man, or for the masses


[Chorus, together]

míng yuè kě zhī
Does the radiant moon know

此间情人相思 又几许
cǐ jiān qíng rén xiāng sī   yòu jī xǔ
Just how much my lover in this world misses me?

jì wǒ qiǎn quǎn xīn xù
Send my affectionate thoughts to him

不远千里 随君去
bù yuǎn qiān lǐ   suí jūn qù
Even a thousand miles isn't far, if they were to follow you

qù nián cǐ shí cǐ jǐng
Last year, in the same season

万籁俱寂 白雪红嫁衣
wàn lài jù jì   bái xuě hóng jià yī
The same silent scene with white snow and a red wedding dress

怎抵一眼 生死别离
zěn dǐ yī yǎn   shēng sǐ bié lí
Could not resist life and death occurring within the blink of an eye


[林清羽 Lin Qingyu (陈张太康 Chenzhang Taikang)]

shān hǎi kě zhī
Can the mountains and the seas tell

此间情人别离 又几许
cǐ jiān qíng rén bié lí   yòu jī xǔ
How many times the lovers have parted in this world?

[陆晚丞 Lu Wancheng (马正阳 Ma Zhengyang)]

yáo wàng xī běi tiān jì
Gaze up at the northwestern sky

烛火燃尽 到天明
zhú huǒ rán jìn   dào tiān míng
As the candle burns, used up at dawn


lái nián jiù dì zhòng yóu
Next year, may you wander these old lands again

灯火如昼 凤箫声动里
dēng huǒ rú zhòu   fèng xiāo shēng dòng lǐ
The lights are as bright as day as the sound of the phoenix flute reverberates in the air

祝酒陈愿 此生不离
zhù jiǔ chén yuàn   cǐ shēng bù lí
I raise you a t
oast, wishing that we may stay together for life

𓇼 ˚𓆝 ⋆。𓆟 ⋆。𓆞˚ 𓇼


Production: Miss Evans  猫耳FM

Musical production: Chao Sheng Group 潮声组 (@潮声组 on Weibo)

Composer and producer: Lian Ye 莲琊 (@莲琊 on Weibo)

Original vocals: Yuan Hao ZIL 远皓ZIL (@远皓ZIL on Weibo)

Arrangement: Wang Jing 王景

Mixing/Mastering: Liu Shuai 刘帅

Album art: Wei Shan 伪鳝@普遍善良

Original lyrics in Mandarin: Long Xiao Tao 龙小套 (@龙小套是一颗桃 on Weibo)

English lyrics translation: Mantou / Steamed Bun Translations on Blogspot (@余韻馒头 on Weibo)

[Disclaimer: I only own the English translations of these lyrics in bold font in the above translated texts.]

Check out the other theme song from the Married Thrice to Salted Fish audio drama:

- 三愿 Three Wishes (Season 2)


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