鼎沸 (Ding Fei) English Lyrics Translation - Boiling (Third theme song from 某某 'A Certain Someone')

English translation of the lyrics of the third theme song from the first season of the audio drama for 木苏里 Mu Su Li's novel 给某某 (A Certain Someone), hosted on Miss Evan 猫耳FM: 《鼎沸》(Ding Fei)  'Boiling'. 

This song really exudes 'puppy love in school' vibes XD but it's so bittersweet, too. (To be real, all of Mou Mou's songs are like this...)

Chinese/Pinyin/English lyrics available under the cut!

The original song may be listened to for free on the producer site, Miss Evan. This blogspot account holds no affiliations with Miss Evan or the producers.

Original Chinese lyrics by 舟舟, English lyrics translation by Mantou@SteamedBunTranslations.
[Disclaimer: I (Mantou) do not own the song, and only own the English translations of the song lyrics in bold font in the following texts.]
Full copyright attributions and extra translation notes at the bottom of the post!

《鼎沸》 Boiling

Vocals and composition: 陈亦洺 (Chen Yi Ming)

kǎo cháng shàng xiě zhuó xiāng lín de zuò wèi
In the examination hall, written for two seats next to each other

yī shuāng xìng míng bèi chèn dé hěn xiāng pèi
Are two names, lined up adjacently in a compatible way

rén hǎi zhōng zuì yào yǎn guāng huī
Amidst the crowd, the most bright and bedazzling one

yào bèi ài yì bāo wéi
Wishes to be surrounded with love

xué diàn yǐng huà miàn bàn tiān shēng yī duì
Learning from movie scenes how to act like a match made in heaven

xiàng qián shēn shǒu què zhī pèng dào fā wěi
I reach out my hand, only to touch the tips of your hair

shǎo nián rén yōng bào de měi mèng
The reverie of two youths embracing

yuǎn bǐ guāng yǐng yì suì
Shatters apart more readily than the image of light versus shadow

zhè cháng yǔ lín dé méi fáng bèi
This torrential downpour came without warning

cóng jiào shì dào jiē wěi
From the classroom to the streets

yǒu rén cā qù yǔ shuǐ
Someone is wiping the rain away

zhāng kāi shǒu yōng bào láng bèi
Offering their arms in embrace, in a miserable state

yī gè rén mài guò shí qī suì
Someone has just passed age seventeen

qián lù wú jù wú wèi
Facing his future fiercely and bravely ahead

wǒ xiàng qián zhuī
I give chase

zhuī gǎn luò rì yú huī
Towards the sunset's afterglow

wǒ jì dé nà nián tiān kōng rú hǎi shuǐ
I recall, that day's sky was like seawater

jì dé chuāng tái luò xià méi guī xiāng wèi
From the window, the fragrance of roses floated downwards

jì dé nǐ de míng zì bǐ huà
I remember the penstrokes of your name

zài wǒ shū yè mò wěi
Ascribed on the end page of my book

kè běn shàng shuō ài rén tiān shēng yī duì
On the textbook, it says that a lover is a match made in heaven

wò jǐn shuāng shǒu jiāo huàn shì yán zhēn guì
We hold hands, exchanging precious vows

shǎo nián rén yōng bào de měi mèng
The reverie of two youths embracing

xiě zuò shì yǔ yuàn wéi
Turned out contrary to our wishes



zhè cháng mèng zuò dé tài chén zuì
The dream is too enrapturing

cóng bìng jiān dào hòu tuì
We were shoulder-to-shoulder, but we now retreat

yǒu rén cā qù lèi shuǐ
Someone is wiping the tears away

shuō chí lái xǔ duō nián suì
Lamenting that they've arrived a few years late

yī gè rén bàn huí yì rù shuì
Someone is dozing off in the companionship of their memories

miǎn qiáng suàn shì ān wèi
Forcing them to act as consolation

wǒ xiàng qián zhuī
I give chase

zhuī gǎn luò rì yú huī
Towards the sunset's afterglow


[chorus, ending]

zhè cháng zhòng féng lái dé tài měi
The reunion arrives too beautifully

bǐ quán shì jiè zhēn guì
More precious than the entire world

tái shàng tái xià yǎng wàng
Looking up at the stage from beneath

duō yī yǎn doū yí yǒu zuì
Another glance feels as if a sin

gāi yòng shén me shēn fèn jǔ bēi
Who should I perform as when I raise a toast?

shén me dū bù chún cuì
There's nothing pure about this[1]

wǒ xiàng qián zhuī
I give chase

jì dé xiào zhuó liú lèi
Remembering to smile while I'm crying


Translation notes

[1] What's 'not pure' seems to be left vague on purpose in the lyrics, but I'm guessing that it's meant to be "there are nothing pure about these intentions", because 纯粹 ('pure') is often used to talk about intentions.


Production: Shen Luo Wan Xiang Studios 声罗万象工作室

Composer, vocalist and background vocals: Chen Yi Ming 陈亦洺

Arrangement: Li Da Bai 李大白

Producer: Liao Liao 聊聊

Guitar: Bao Ge 宝哥

Mixing: Xiao Wu Tai Tai 小吴太太

Poster art: Shi Lun 时论

Original lyrics in Chinese: Zhou Zhou 舟舟

English lyrics translation: Mantou / Steamed Bun Translations on Blogspot (@余韻馒头 on Weibo)

[Disclaimer: I only own the English translations of these lyrics in bold font in the above translated texts.]

♪ Cheers to another Mou Mou translation! Please stay tuned because more Mou Mou theme songs are coming up~


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