心眼 (Xin Yan) English Lyrics Translation - Eye of the Heart / Heart Eyes

English translation of the lyrics of the theme song 《心眼》 Eye of the Heart / Heart Eyesfrom the Chinese audio drama of 北南 Bei Nan's novel Eye of the Heart ('Xin Yan'). By the way, note that the song and the drama have the exact same name. Could not decide on which translation was better, so please accept two alternatives!

This is my absolute favourite danmei audio drama theme song. All the heart (physical organ) references...so apt and so heartbreaking (pun intended) in the context of the novel's angsty plot (no spoilers except that it's got to do with the heart), and the medical setting of the novel itself. Kudos to the original lyricist 恨醉老师, what a lyrical genius; goals!!!

Chinese/Pinyin/English lyrics available under the cut!

Image credits to the original artist for the audio drama 《心眼》on Manbo.

The original song may be listened to for free on the producer site, Manbo. This blogspot account holds no affiliations with Manbo or the producers.

Original Chinese lyrics by 恨醉, English lyrics translation by Mantou@SteamedBunTranslations.
[Disclaimer: I (Mantou) do not own the song, and only own the English translations of the song lyrics in bold font in the following texts.]
Full copyright attributions and extra translation notes at the bottom of the post!

《心眼》 Eye of the Heart / Heart Eyes

Vocals (as Liang Cheng); composition: 柏鹿
Vocals (as Qiao Yuanlin): 
(brackets means that the two singers are singing different lines that overlap at the same time)

梁承 (Liang Cheng)

yáng guāng xià wǒ yǒu bàn gè líng hún gān jìng
Under the sunlight, half of my soul is clean

kě yǐ zài nǐ xiàng rèn hé měi mèng qiān xǐ
It is able to ferry you towards any dream as beautiful as you may wish

dàn qǐng bié kāi nǐ níng wàng wǒ de yǎn jīng
But don't open the adoring eyes you use to stare expectantly at me

wǒ bù kěn ràng nǐ
Because I'm unwilling to let you see

kàn jiàn lìng wài bàn gè wǒ è guàn mǎn yíng
The sinful other half of me

乔苑林 (Qiao Yuanlin)

wǒ de xīn hūn chén zài shēng yǔ sǐ fēn jì
My heart wavers at the boundary between life and death

nǐ cóng rén jiān nà yī cè bǎ tā jiào xǐng
And you, standing at the side of life, try to awaken it from the throes of death

jiān mò de xīn dà shēng níng wàng nǐ
The silent heart stares at you loudly

yīn wéi xīn tiào jiù shì nǐ huí yīn
Because the sound of the heartbeat is my response, echoing towards you


nǐ shì wǒ jìn zài zhǐ chǐ de yáo bù kě jí
You are so close to me, yet so far away

wǒ néng kàn jiàn nǐ què bù néng kào jìn
I can see you, but I can't approach you

xiàng shū zhuō shàng chù pèng yòu shǎn duǒ de shǒu bì
Like hands that touch only for a moment before flinching instantaneously

jī hū qīn wěn què zhōng tuī kāi de qì shuǐ píng
Like a the temptation of a bottle of soda, eventually pulling apart after almost kissing

dàn suō huí de zhǐ jiān zǒng huì zài bèi wò jǐn
But those fingers that have retracted will finally be grasped tightly by another's

nà me yuǎn dì rù shuì xǐng lái què nà me jìn
We were so distant when we fell asleep, yet we become so close upon awakening

kàn shǒu zhuó bǐ cǐ xiàng qiáng dào yě xiàng wèi bīng
Protecting each other like bandits but also like bodyguards

míng zhī bù néng zhān jù què huán bù kěn fàng qì
Refusing to give up despite knowing the impossibility of conquering

乔苑林 (Qiao Yuanlin)

bái chèn shān de nǐ jiào xǐng guò wǒ de xīn
Donning a white robe, you awakened my heart

cóng cǐ xīn jiù shì wǒ kàn nǐ de yǎn jīng
Ever since then, my heart becomes the pair of eyes I use to look at you

nǎ pà nǐ kòu qǐ hēi sè de xīn yī
Even if you were to put on a new robe of all-black

wǒ yě chēng hū nǐ
I will know you as

wǒ yī shēng suǒ jiàn zuì jù tǐ guāng míng
The very embodiment of light in my life

梁承 (Liang Cheng)

wǒ mí lù zài mián yán zhì jīn de guò qù
I have gotten lost in the past still living on today

nǐ cóng wèi lái nà yī cè hǎn wǒ xìng míng
You are calling my name from the other side; the future

bié tiē ěr wǒ dì wǔ lèi jiān xì
Don't place your ears above my fifth intercostal space[1]

nà yǒu wǒ wéi nǐ kuáng tiào de xīn
Because there lies my heart, beating wildly for you

乔苑林 (Qiao Yuanlin)

chōng jǐng shī máo jīn hé nǐ fā shāo de shuǐ
Yearning for your wet towel and those water droplets you've evaporated

tōu wěn shū shàng nǐ huì àn de rì yǐng
I secretly kiss your dark and gloomy shadow

梁承 (Liang Cheng)

xiǎo xīn bié ràng yān méi wǒ rén shēng de dà yǔ
Beware the torrential downpour that has engulfed my life;

dǎ shī nà shuāng nǐ níng wàng zhuó wǒ de yǎn jīng
Don't let it moisten the adoring and expecting eyes you use to peer at me

乔苑林 (Qiao Yuanlin)

wàn rén cè mù wǒ yě yào pū jìn nǐ huái lǐ
Even if thousands of heads turn to stare at us, I insist on jumping into your embrace

(梁承 (Liang Cheng)

wàn rén cè mù nǐ yě yào pū jìn wǒ huái lǐ 
Even if thousands of heads turn to stare at us, you insist on jumping into my embrace

dì yī gè gào sù nǐ yǔ tiān yǐ jīng guò qù
And to be the first one to tell you that the rain is over

(梁承 (Liang Cheng)

dì yī gè gào sù wǒ yǔ tiān yǐ jīng guò qù 
And to be the first one to tell me that the rain is over

梁承 (Liang Cheng)

pí jiǔ wèi de chuǎn xī hé fā tàng de ěr yǔ
With beer-scented breaths and heated whispers

yuán liàng wǒ xiǎng nǐ yòng tài mào shī de ài yì
Please forgive my rash expressions of affection


zhè rén jiān dào chǔ dū shì kàn wǒ de yǎn jīng
In this vast universe, many eyes are looking

dàn kàn jiàn wǒ de zhī yǒu yī gè nǐ
But yours are the only ones that see me

sheí bù bì wáng mìng tú dài zhuó xuè de zú jì
Everyone is avoiding the refugee walking forth with bloody footsteps

yǒu rén què piān tì tā bǎ píng ān jié kòu jǐn
Except one person, who insists on helping him secure his safety

sheí gǎn fàng zǒu sǐ shén yào qiú jīn de shēng mìng
Everyone dares not release the life harvested by the Grim Reaper

yǒu rén què jiè tā zì yóu kuáng bēn dào mèng jìng
Except one person, who frees him, lending him enough freedom to run towards a dreamlike life

ní hóng xià nǐ kàn wǒ shí wǒ yě zhèng kàn nǐ
Under the neon lights, you gaze upon me as I gaze upon you

shì yī shēng zuì yōu cháng yī gè xīn dòng zhōu qī
It's the longest cardiac cycle[2] of my life

当我看向你 心是我的眼睛
dāng wǒ kàn xiàng nǐ   xīn shì wǒ de yǎn jīng
When I gaze upon you with my heart as my pair of eyes


Translation notes: 

[0] The song shares the same Mandarin name as the audio drama from which it originated, 心眼. To retain the eponymy, I translated both the song and audio drama name as 'Eye of the Heart', but also provided an alternative translation for the song, 'Heart Eyes' (the more literal translation of the Chinese phrase).

[1] 第五肋间隙; fifth intercostal space – it refers to the space between the fifth and sixth ribs, around where the heart is.

[2] 心动周期; cardiac cycle -  the period describing the activity of the human heart from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next.

Credits/copyright goes to:

Production:小文 Xiao Wen (@的的的的的0830 on Weibo) and 迷貓 Mi Mao (@迷貓好濃 on Weibo)
Composer, backup vocal arrangement, backup vocals:柏鹿 Bai Lu (@柏鹿柏鹿  on Weibo)
Arranger:石慧峰 Shi Hui Feng
E. Guitar:吳家裕 Wu Jia Yu
Vocals:柏鹿 Bai Lu, 
向文涛 Xiang Wen Tao
Mixing: 都欣桐 Du Xin Tong
Mastering:羅文Rown (Luo Wen) (@羅文Rown on Weibo)
Poster art:時論 Shi Lun (@時論發電機 on Weibo)
Font:梅梢月 Mei Shao Yue
Original Chinese lyrics: 恨醉 Hen Zui (@-恨醉- on Weibo)

English lyrics translation: Mantou / Steamed Bun Translations on Blogspot (@余韻馒头 on Weibo)

[Disclaimer: I only own the English translations of these lyrics in bold font in the above translated texts.]

This song was simultaneously heartwrenching and heart-'throbbing' to translate, and I had so much fun translating it (while trying not to cry). Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did translating it!


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