寻人启事 (Xun Ren Qi Shi) English Lyrics Translation - Missing Persons Notice

English translation of the lyrics of the theme song《寻人启事》Missing Persons Notice, from the audio drama of 北南 Bei Nan's novel Eye of the Heart ('Xin Yan').

A beautifully bittersweet piece composed and sung by Bai Lu, with amazing lyrics by 恨醉! The song is sung in Liang Cheng's perspective from the novel of the same name (心眼 Eye of the Heart 'Xin Yan'). Small confession: this audio drama was never on my to-listen list until I heard the songs. And then I instantly fell. It is my honour to get to translate them and share them with the world (these songs are bangers that need more love)!

Chinese/Pinyin/English lyrics available under the cut!

Image credits to the original artist for the 心眼 audio drama on Manbo, extracted from Baidu.

The original song may be listened to for free on the producer site, Manbo. This blogspot account holds no affiliations with Manbo or the producers.

Original Chinese lyrics by 恨醉, English lyrics translation by Mantou@SteamedBunTranslations.
[Disclaimer: I (Mantou) do not own the song, and only own the English translations of the song lyrics in bold font in the following texts.]
Full copyright attributions and extra translation notes at the bottom of the post!

《寻人启事》 Missing Persons Notice

Vocals (as Liang Cheng) and composition: 柏鹿

liú làng mò shēng jiē shì qiú yóu rén hǎi zhōng duō rì
Roaming the foreign streets like a vagabond, swimming amongst the crowds for numerous days

què bù zuò kè rèn hé xīn de gù shì
Without writing a single new story.

xiè jué lù biān qíng shī zào fǎng bù què qiē dì zhǐ
He declined love poems delivered at the roadside, instead visiting incorrect addresses,

tā zhāng wàng de yàng zǐ duō xiàng xún rén qǐ shì
The sight of him restlessly searching around looks just like a missing persons notice.

qǐng wèn nǐ shì fǒu zhī dào tā de xīn zài nǎ zǒu shī
May I ask if you know where his heart has gotten lost

tīng shuō jiù zài tā bèi duì ài tuī kāi nǐ nà rì
Rumour has it that it happened on the day he betrayed love to push you away.

tā de xīn bǐ tā chéng shí
His heart is more honest than he is,

wèi shè dé sōng kāi wò nǐ de shǒu zhǐ
Because it has never been willing to release the grasp on your fingers.

nǐ shì tā yī shēng zhōng wéi yī gān jìng de yī yè zhǐ
You are the only clean page in the book of his life,

tā zěn me huì kěn jiāng nǐ xiě chéng bēi jù gù shì
So why would he be willing to write you off as a tragedy?

pà nǐ bèi lèi yīn shī

Not wanting you to become blotched with tears,

suǒ yǒu shān qíng dū jīn zhǐ
He put an end to all the affections.

tā de méi mù shēn zhì shí qǐ wù wàng wǒ yī zhī
His deep eyebrows picks up a stalk of forget-me-nots,

jiā zài gù shì zēng duàn kāi de wèi zhì
Clasping it where he last left off in the storybook;

nǐ shì tā zuì shē chǐ yī zhuāng qiǎn quǎn de xīn shì
You are the most extravagant piece of affection lingering around his heart, worrying him.

zài tā xún rén qǐ shì zhè shì dì yī xíng zì
In his missing persons notice, this is the very first line.

yào néng tuī kāi nǐ tā zǒng yào xiān bào guò nǐ yī cì
Before he pushed you away, he always needed to hug you first,

tā de xīn zài nǎ zǒu shī nán dào nǐ huì bù zhī
How, then, would you not know the whereabouts of his missing heart?

tā xiàn luò ní nìng nà rì
The day he fell into the mud,

bèi nǐ lā zhù shí chě diào kē kòu zǐ
You were the one who pulled him, causing him to drop a button[1].

nǐ shì tā yī shēng zhōng wéi yī xiǎng luò bǐ yī yè zhǐ
In the book of his life, you are the only page on which he wants to write,

tā dāng rán yào fǎn fù tuī qiāo nǐ mén de gù shì
Certainly, he wishes to keep perfecting the craft of the story he has with you.

rú ruò shāng xīn tái cí
If it were to be written as sorrowful lyrics,

tā níng kě bù dòng yī zì
He'd rather not write a single word.

qǐng nǐ bù yào zǒu xiàng nà gè méi yǒu tā de lái rì
Please don't walk towards a future where he does not exist,

qǐng zài děng yī děng tā zhī bù guò shān shān lái chí
Please just wait a little more, because he's arriving; he's just a little late.

tā yào xiān yuè guò dōng rì
He needs to first get past this winter,

cái néng dǐ dá nǐ xià tiān de qíng shì
Before he can arrive at the summer that is your love.

tā huì qù rén jiān zuì hǎo chǔ nǐ yào tā fā guò shì
You made him swear to visit the best place in the world.

suǒ yǐ tā cǐ kè zuò zài lí nǐ zuì jìn wèi zǐ
This is why, at this moment, he sits at the seat closest to you,

chèn zhuó hé nǐ duì shì
Taking the opportunity to face you eye-to-eye,

shuō “ ài nǐ ” táng ér huáng zhī
Saying "I love you" in the most brazen and grandiose of ways. 

Translation notes:

[1] Just a speculation, but I'm guessing this button represents the heart, just like the Japanese custom of treating the second blazer / shirt button as the symbol for the heart due to how it's the button closest to the heart.

Credits and copyrights go to:

Executive producer:迷猫 Mimao (@迷猫好浓 on Weibo), 小文 Xiao Wen (@的的的的的0830 on Weibo) Composer and singer:柏鹿 Bai Lu (@柏鹿柏鹿 on Weibo) 编曲:石慧峰 Shi Hui Feng 吉他:吴家裕 Wu Jia Yu Backup vocals and arrangement of backup vocals:柏鹿 Bai Lu (@柏鹿柏鹿 on Weibo) Mixing and mastering:姜冉 Jiang Ran (@姜冉_nello on Weibo) Poster art:时论 Shi Lun (@时论发电机 on Weibo) Font:CHRiiiiiiSSIE (@CHRiiiiiiSSIE on Weibo)
Original lyrics in Chinese:恨醉 Hen Zui (@-恨醉- on Weibo) Lyrics translation in English:
mantou @SteamedBunTranslations on Blogger

[Disclaimer: I only own the English translations of these lyrics in bold font in the above translated texts.]

 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 

Thank you for reading this translation! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did translating it!

Check out other translations from the 心眼 Xin Yan audio drama:


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