失陷 (Shi Xian) English Lyrics Translation - Downfall (Fourth theme song from 某某 'A Certain Someone')

English translation of the lyrics of the fourth and final theme song from the first season of the audio drama for 木苏里 Mu Su Li's novel 给某某 (A Certain Someone), hosted on Miss Evan 猫耳FM: 《失陷》(Shi Xian)  'Downfall'. 

What a sweet way to end the series of four theme songs for the first season of this cute audio drama. There will be one more song for this season (composed and produced by the thoughtful audio drama team in celebration of Jiang Tian's birthday) before we move onto the second season's theme songs!

Chinese/Pinyin/English lyrics available under the cut!

The original song may be listened to for free on the producer site, Miss Evan. This blogspot account holds no affiliations with Miss Evan or the producers.

Original Chinese lyrics by 恨醉, English lyrics translation by Mantou@SteamedBunTranslations.
[Disclaimer: I (Mantou) do not own the song, and only own the English translations of the song lyrics in bold font in the following texts.]
Full copyright attributions and extra translation notes at the bottom of the post!

《失陷》 Downfall

Vocals and composition: Mario

wǒ kàn yún qí shí wǒ zài kàn nǐ
Gazing up at the clouds, I'm actually looking at you

zài shú xī yě lè cǐ bù pí
No matter how familiar the sight, I never get sick of it

kě dāng nǐ wèn wǒ wéi hé kàn nǐ
Though, when you ask why I'm looking at you

wǒ què shuō shì zhuān xīn kàn yún
I respond saying I'm focusing on cloudgazing

dāng xià tiān yì chū chán míng xuān huá zāo yù shàng kè líng
In the summer, when the cicada cries meet the ringing of the school bell

zài cáo zá de shì jiè lǐ wǒ jìng dū néng fēn biàn nǐ
I would still be able to find you within this raucous, noisy world

zhè shuō lái duō me huá jī zhī nǐ qīng shēng yī jù
It's funny, because if you were to let out even the smallest of sounds

shì jiè dū bèi wǒ àn xià jìng yīn jiù wéi tīng jiàn nǐ
I would turn the silent mode on across the world just to hear you

不想 不想无时无刻不看你
bù xiǎng   bù xiǎng wú shí wú kè bù kàn nǐ
I don't wish to stop looking at you even for a moment

不想 不想总偷听你的呼吸
bù xiǎng   bù xiǎng zǒng tōu tīng nǐ de hū xī
I don't wish to only secretly listen to the sound of your breathing

bù xiǎng měi gè fǎn cè yè
I don't wish for every tossing and turning night

nǐ dū zhǎn zhuǎn zài wǒ mèng jìng
To have you tossing and turning my dreams over

kě xī shì shì zǒng bù rú rén yì
But alas, the world is rarely what we wish for it to be

所以 别开了眼心还望向你
suǒ yǐ   bié kāi liǎo yǎn xīn huán wàng xiàng nǐ
So I pry my eyes open, my heart still gazing towards you

倾听 像你是这世界唯一音
qīng tīng   xiàng nǐ shì zhè shì jiè wéi yī yīn
Listening closely, like you are the only sound in the world

nǎ pà yī zhǎ yǎn de guāng jǐng
Fearing that in the moment I close my eyes

jiù yīn wèi jiàn nǐ ér xiǎng nǐ
I miss you because I'm not seeing you

cái míng bái yuán lái ài nǐ
And it is this that tells me that loving you

shì wàn yǒu yǐn lì
Is the natural law of gravity

wǒ kàn yún kàn xià rì kàn shù yǐng
I gaze upon the clouds, upon the summer days, upon the trees' shadows

tīng chán míng tīng xuān huá rén qún
I listen to the cicadas crying and the crowds chattering

méi yǒu nǐ wǒ kàn yún yě xiàng nǐ
Even looking at the clouds is like looking at you

tīng shì jiè xiàng zuò kàn yǎ jù
Even listening to the world is like sitting in for a silent film

我想 我想每时每刻都看你
wǒ xiǎng   wǒ xiǎng měi shí měi kè dū kàn nǐ
I wish to be looking at you every moment

我想 让你在我的心里呼吸
wǒ xiǎng   ràng nǐ zài wǒ de xīn lǐ hū xī
I wish for you to live and breathe in my heart

wǒ xiǎng měi gè fǎn cè yè
I wish for every tossing and turning night

nǐ dū péi wǒ màn yóu mèng jìng
To have you accompany me into my dreamscapes

yǒu nǐ jiù méi yǒu bù rú rén yì
As long as I have you, I won't be unfulfilled

爱你 如候鸟冬日追寻夏意
ài nǐ   rú hòu niǎo dōng rì zhuī xún xià yì
Loving you is like migratory birds searching for summer during winter

爱你 更如同飞蛾致爱光明
ài nǐ   gēng rú tóng fēi é zhì ài guāng míng
Loving you is like moths drawing themselves close to a lam-

yīn zhǎ yǎn shǎo kàn yī miǎo nǐ
Because if my eyes fail to see you even for a second

jìng rán kòng sù shí guāng wú qíng
It feels as if time is being cruel to them

zhōng yú wǒ chéng rèn ài nǐ
At long last, I recognise that my love for you

shì běn xìng nán yí
Is the law of nature

bié kāi liǎo yǎn xīn huán wàng xiàng nǐ
I pry my eyes open, my heart still gazing towards you

倾听 像你是这世界唯一音
qīng tīng   xiàng nǐ shì zhè shì jiè wéi yī yīn
Listening closely, like you are the only sound in the world

nǎ pà yī zhǎ yǎn de guāng jǐng
Fearing that in the moment I close my eyes

jiù yīn wèi jiàn nǐ ér xiǎng nǐ
I miss you because I'm not seeing you

cái míng bái yuán lái ài nǐ
And it is this that tells me that loving you

shì wàn yǒu yǐn lì
Is the natural law of gravity


Production: Shen Luo Wan Xiang Studios 声罗万象工作室

Composer and vocalist: Mario (@Miao-Mario on Weibo)

Mixing and Mastering: Dongdian (@动次打次的动点p on Weibo)

Album art: Shi Lun 时论 (@时论发电机 on Weibo)

Original lyrics in Mandarin: Hen Zui 恨醉 (@-恨醉- on Weibo)

English lyrics translation: Mantou / Steamed Bun Translations on Blogspot (@余韻馒头 on Weibo)

[Disclaimer: I only own the English translations of these lyrics in bold font in the above translated texts.]

♪ Cheers to another Mou Mou translation! Please stay tuned because more Mou Mou theme songs are coming up~

Check out other translations from the 某某  (Mou Mou) 'A Certain Someone' audio drama:

- 给某某 (Gei Mou Mou) - To Someone (Mou Mou Audio Drama Season 1, first theme song)

第七年 (Di Qi Nian) - The Seventh Year (Mou Mou Audio Drama Season 1, second theme song)

- 鼎沸 (Ding Fei) English Lyrics Translation - Boiling (Mou Mou Audio Drama Season 1, third theme song)


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